last updated: FEBRUARY 08, 2012 !!!!!
Santa Barbara, California, USA.
+1 (805) 637 - 0499
E-mail: petracortright@gmail.com
"SWORD AND ICONS Internet Table" Designed/Produced by Guglielmo Fabian. Vanished Mirror Formica. Limited Edition. Milan / Los Angeles. 2011-Present: http://www.guglielmofabian.com/
"SWORD AND ICONS Vase" Designed/Produced by Guglielmo Fabian. Majolica ceramic vases. Limited Edition. Milan / Los Angeles. 2011-Present: http://www.guglielmofabian.com/
Interview: Sleek Magazine
Interview: DE:BUG Magazine
Interview: Oyster Magazine #98
Interview: i-D Magazine
"Island Pavilion" organized by Nicolas Sassoon
Fillip Magazine: Issue 15 - Spring 2012
CLUB MIDNIGHT September 2012
E-Vapor-8 Curated by Francesca Gavin. 319 Scholes, Brooklyn NYC. May 2012
"Ex-Girlfriends in the Age of Drones" curated by Una Tittel. Naherholung Sternchen. Berlin, Germany. March 1, 2012.
Project to be Released with Badlands Unlimited. Spring 2012
Void Mastery / Blank Control 27th January - 4th March. The Composing Rooms / The Green Room / RichMix. London, England. ***SOLO
"Video Syrup" Spectacle Theater. curated by Maggie Lee. Brooklyn, New York. January.
"Banal Inferno" CCA: The Centre for Contemporary Arts curated by Benjamin Fallon. Glasgow, Scotland. December
"De Joode & Kamutzki Winter Auction 2011" Berlin, Germany. December
"SPAMM (SuPer Art Modern Museum )" http://spamm.fr/ curated by Thomas Cheneseau. December 2011
"LikeArtBasel" Miami Art Basel @ Workshop Collective. sponsored by Artspace, organized by OKFocus, HORENSTEIN+ and Daniel Leyva curated by Ryder Ripps December.
"Notes on a New Nature" curated by Nicholas O'Brien. 319 Scholes, Brooklyn, NYC. November.
"LESBIAN KISS EPISODE" Petra Cortright at PLANET UMMO PROJECT SPACE. Mexico City, Mexico. November. ***SOLO
"Beholder" Talbot Rice Gallery. University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 19 November 2011 – 18 February 2012
"LuckyPDFTV" curated by LuckyPDF. Frieze Art Fair. London, England. October.
"LAFIAC.com 2011" 38th edition of the FIAC (Foire Internationale Contemporary Art) www.lafiac.com / Paris, France. October
"PDF" Curated by Patrick Gantert. Allegra LaViola Gallery. NYC, New York. October 26 - December 3
"Empty Orchestra" curated by Georgie Park & Samuel Rodgers. Eastside Projects at Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum. Birmingham, United Kingdom. 13 – 23 October
"Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age" curated by Domenico Quaranta. Settimana dell'Arte. Brescia, Italy. September 24 – October 1, 2011
"Life on the Screen" curated by Perry Bard, RE/Mixed Media Festival. NYC, New York. October 21-23
"La imagen transitada, arte y nuevos medios" curated by Andy Davies. Espai Cultural Caja Madrid. Barcelona, Spain. September 8 - October 20
CAVIAR IZQUIERDA No. 4 "RED WEB INTERNET" collaboration with Franklin Collao. Spring/Summer 2011
"KEEPIN' IT REAL" Curated by Robin Juan. HungryMan Gallery. Chicago, IL. July 15 - August 21
"3 Screenings: Eruption" curated by Eric Fleischauer and Jesse McLean. Backspace Collective. Peoria, Illinois. Saturday May 7 2011
Collaboration: "Petra Cortright by Roberto Sanchez" photography by Alvaro Nates. Nylon Mexico. May 2011.
"SO WET" Preteen Gallery. Mexico City, Mexico. April 9 ***SOLO
"VIDEO VILLAGE 2011: New Media Expeditions" Curated by Noah Collier and Stephanie Szerlip. INDEX ART CENTER. Newark, New Jersey. April 2nd through April 8th.
"Life on the Screen" curated by Perry Bard, Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Montréal, Canada. March 31 - May 7.
"Internet Livre - Free Internet" curated by Renan Araujo. SESC Ribeirão Preto. São Paulo, Brazil. March
"Minimize BOCA #1" BOZEAU ORTEGA CONTEMPORARY ARTS. http://www.bocagallery.com/. February 26.
"Graphics Interchange Format" curated by Paddy Johnson. Mulberry Gallery. Denison University, Ohio. February 18.
"Getting Closer" Fe Arts Gallery. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. January 21 - March 1.
"Internet Livre" SESC Ribeirão Preto. São Paulo, Brazil. January.
"BYOB LA" Gayle & Ed Roski MFA Gallery at University of Southern California. Los Angeles, California. November.
"Sister Sister City" Curated by Lindsay Lawson. Thomas Solomon Gallery @ Cottage Home. Los Angeles, California. September.
"Domain: Webkam Performance" Live Performance in collaboration with Rhizome.org. SJ01 Biennial. San Jose, California. September 18.
"Do I Know You" Inman Gallery. Houston, Texas. July - August.
"Today and Tomorrow's 5th Birthday SPEED SHOW" or@nien net Internet cafe. Berlin, Germany. July.
"Made in Internet" curated by Marcin Ramocki. ARTBOOK Festival. Krakow, Poland. June.
"VHS AIDS" Preteen Gallery. Hermosillo, Mexico. June.
"Multiplex" curated by VVORK. Peer to Space Sun Galleries. Munich, Germany. April.
"It Takes Strength to be Gentle and Kind" GLORIAMARIAgallery. Milan, Italy. April. ***SOLO
"Avatar 4D" NOMA Gallery. San Francisco, California. curated by JstChillin. April 17.
"Remember 2010?" The Gallery Space. www.thegalleryspace.info April.
"Surfing Club" plug.in gallery. Basel, Switzerland. March - May.
"Surfing Club" Espace Multimédia Gantner. Bourogne, France. March - May.
"MiArt Art Now!" Milan Art Fair. Gloria Maria Gallery Booth. March.
"Brakhage Symposium" Boulder, Colorado. March.
"Playlist" Neoncampobase. Bologna, Italy. January.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" Showroom Mama. Rotterdam, Netherlands. January.
"No Hay Banda" Reference Gallery. Richmond, Virginia. October.
"Funny Games" Load of Fun. Baltimore, Maryland. October.
"Spun 2: art light noise new video art" Monkeytown, Brooklyn, New York. October.
"The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths", Rapture Heap, Liberty Corner, Dublin, Ireland. September.
"My Biennale Is Better Than Yours" Xth Biennale de Lyon, France. September.
"Screen Grab" The Nightingale Theatre. Chicago, Illinois. August.
"IMG MGMT" essay for artfagcity.com August.
"Speed Conference Call Dating". Envoy Enterprises. New York, York. July.
"SALLYS" Atelier Kreuzberg. Berlin, Germany. July.
"PROMO Billboard" Np3. Groningen, Holland. July.
"New Wave" The Internet Pavilion. The Venice Biennale. Venice, Italy. June.
"The New Easy" Artnews Projects. Berlin, Germany. June.
"Secret Life" Version Festival. Chicago, Illinois. May.
"Hors les murs" Fette's Gallery. Berlin, Germany. May.
"VVork Show" Munich, Germany. April.
"Are You Sure You Are You?" Spencer Brownstone Gallery. New York, New York. April.
"Forms of Melancholy" Sego Art Center. Provo, Utah. April.
"Treasure Room" (Loshadka) Light Industry. Brooklyn, New York. March.
"IRL presented by iheartphotograph" (Loshadka) Capricious Space. Brooklyn, New York. March.
"Rhizome's The Long Gallery" 7 x 7 Series. Why + Wherefore. whyandwherefore.com. March.
"Women Get Fucked" Alogon Gallery. Chicago, Illinois. February.
"Neen Cover Page" Neen.org. February.
"Endless Pot of Gold CD-Rs" (Nasty Nets) Sundance International Film Festival. January.
"Show #20:Peter Barrickman + Petra Cortright" And/Or Gallery. Dallas, Texas. December.
"This is a Magazine: Episode 26" (Loshadka). Milan, Italy. September.
"The New Easy" Amsterdam, Netherlands. August.
"Club Internet" "K.I.S.S." http://www.clubinternet.org/ August.
"NETMARES/NETDREAMS V 3.0" Current Gallery. Baltimore, Maryland. August.
"Young Curators, New Ideas" Bond Street Gallery. Brooklyn, New York. August.
"This is a Magazine: Video Object 23" Milan, Italy. August.
"Build A Fire" Plexus Contemporary. Louisville, Kentucky. July.
"Lizard Gear" Loshadka at MTAA's OTO. Brooklyn, New York. June.
"Club Internet" "FIRST SELECTION http://www.clubinternet.org/ June.
"New York Underground Film Festival" Anthology Film Archives. New York. New York. April.
"B I T M A P: as good as new" Leonard Pearlstein Gallery at Drexel University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March
"Montage: Unmonumental Online" The New Museum. New York, New York. February.
"B I T M A P: as good as new" vertexList. Brooklyn, New York. December.
"The Sims: In the Hands of Artists" Chelsea Art Museum. New York, New York. June.
"Nasty Nets Event" Telic Arts Exchange. Los Angeles, California. April.
Reba Maybury "PETRA CORTRIGHT EXHIBITION" Novembre Magazine. January 2012.
"Super Art Modern Museum (SPAMM) Is Mecca Of Online Art" Huffington Post. January 2012.
"YouTube Art Project 'VVEBCAM' Censored Because Of Its Tags" Huffington Post. December 2011
Paddy Johnson "Early Webcam Project by Petra Cortright Censored on Youtube" Artfagcity.com. December 2011
Ben Fino-Radin "YouTube Censors Petra Cortright, But 'VVEBCAM' Lives on in the Rhizome ArtBase" Rhizome.org. December 2011
Kyle Chayka "Five L.A. Internet Artists You Need to Know" LA WEEKLY December 2011
"Portrait: Arte en Internet" La Tempestad Magazine (Edición Universitaria) Issue #52. Mexico City, Mexico. ***Cover Image. November 2011
Paddy Johnson "The Argument: David Hockney's iPad paintings show that a cool device can't rescue bad art" October 2011
Kyle Chayka "An Xiao, Man Bartlett and Petra Cortright Make Avatars the New Self-Portraits" LA WEEKLY October 2011
Clare Wohlnick "Avant-Garden Journal" Inaugural Issue. Perth, Australia. Fall 2011
"Petra Cortright by Roberto Sanchez" photography by Alvaro Nates. Nylon Mexico. May 2011.
Paul Chan, "Artist Favorites" Spike Art Quarterly. Vienna, Austria. Winter 2010. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B0EYglHcI80zMzAxNDZhZTktYTgwZC00Yjc5LTkxYzUtNzdlNWZlNzQ2MWQ2&hl=en&authkey=CNvNkKUE&pli=1
Olia Lialina "All That Glitters" Guggenheim Blog. September 14, 2010 http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/interact/participate/youtube-play/the-take/moving-images/3708
Domenico Quaranta "Vernacular Video. Art responding to Youtube" Flash Art (Italian). July 2010.
Sleeperhold #2. Sleeperhold Pulications. Antwerp, Belgium.
Brian Droitcour, "Members Only: Loshadka Surfs the Web" Art In America. March.
"FREE INTERNET" Aids-3D and XYM.no Spring 2009.
Sally McKay, "The Affect of Animated GIFs (Tom Moody, Petra Cortright, Lorna Mills)" art&education paper 2009. http://artandeducation.net/papers/view/14
Kriston Capps, "New-media artist Petra Cortright explores digital artwork in Dallas exhibit" Dallas Morning News. January 20, 2009.
Laurel Ptak, "Landscape 5-15-05" Foam Magazine. December 2008.
Adbusters Magazine Issue #80. Page 55. November/December 2008.
Unzine Croatia. Issue #10. September 2008.
Martin L. Johnson, "Web of Guise" Baltimore City Paper. September 10, 2008.
Gregoire Troudaire, "Petra-sans-effet" http://www.fluctuat.net/blog/12750-Petra-sans-effet August 27, 2008.
Dan DeNorch, "Young Curators, New Ideas" ARTCAL "The Zine" August 25, 2008.
"Issue One" Bones Magazine Fall 2007, 50-51.
David Ng, "Messaging Is the Medium" ARTnews Summer 2007, 186.
"Montage: Unmonumental Online Catalogue" The New Museum. New York, New York. Fall 2007, 50-51.
Paddy Johnson, "Petra Cortright's Webcam Video" http://www.artfagcity.com/2007/03/27/petra-cortrights-webcam-video/ March 27, 2007.
Panel Discussions
"web.video the new net.art?" Transmediale 2K+12. Berlin, Germany. February 1 2012.
"Emerging Trends in Internet Art" Presented by Rhizome.org. SXSW Festival. Austin, Texas. March 14, 2011.
"Net Aesthetics 2.0" Panel Discussion @ the New Museum June 2008.
http://www.newmuseum.org/events/190.mp3 Online Recording
"PETRA CORTRIGHT: VOID MASTERY / BLANK CONTROL" Dazed Digital Arts & Culture. January 2012
"O YOUTUBE SUPER LOUCO DA PETRA" VICE Portugal Interview By David Silva Pinheiro November 2011
"Interview w/ Petra Cortright" dancelikeshaquilleoneal.blogspot.com October 2011
"Artist Profile: Petra Cortright" Rhizome.org September 2011
"Petra Cortright Interview" By Jaime Martinez. tumblrfuckyoudraculas.tumblr.com. August 2011
"PETRA CORTRIGHT Wet girl next door making art" Interview by Óscar Benassini & Photos by Álvaro Nates. Pull The Metal / Metal Magazine. June 2011
"Interview" Oyster Magazine. April 2011.
"Culture Club: q&a" Nylon Magazine. March 2011.
"Petra-Cortright-Interview" by Melody Panosian February 2011.
http://www.blancopop.com/categorias-de-contenido/petra-cortright April 12, 2010.
"Petra Cortright Interview" whosefaultisthat.net July 2009.
"Internet Artists Questionnaire" Flaunt Magazine. May 2009.
"One Question Interview" interviewed by Rafael Rozendaal. May 20, 2008.
Petra Cortright, "Interview with Silicious (Commissioned by Rhizome.org)" http://rhizome.org/editorial/fp/reblog.php/3860 July 13, 2007.
Commissioned Work
Ducktails - "Hamilton Road" Ltd 7" Record Cover. Olde English Spelling Bee Records. July 2010.
Restless People - "Days of Our Lives" Music Video. IAMSOUND Records. July 2010.
Excepter - "Shots Ring (Carter Tutti Remix)" Music Video Director/Dancer. (From FRKWYS Vol. 2 Excepter 12" RVNG International ) Fall 2009.
Excepter - "Kill People" Music Video 3D / Vector Graphics Modeler. (From the Paw Tracks LP "Debt Dept") Spring 2008.
Petra Cortright is an Internet artist born in 1986 in Santa Barbara, California.
Currently lives and works in Santa Barbara, California.
Has resided in New York City, Portland, Oregon, Toyko, Japan and Berlin, Germany, blah blah blah etc etc etc :P ;)
She has studied at Parsons School of Design in New York and California College of the Arts in San Francisco.
She is a member of the Nasty Nets Internet Surfing Club, Loshadka Internet Surfing Club and Computers Club.
She has exhibited internationally in galleries including the New Museum and Spencer Brownstone in New York,
The Sundance Film International Film Festival, Artnews Projects in Berlin, Germany, Preteen Gallery in Mexico City,
Gloria Maria Gallery in Milan, Italy and at the Internet Pavilion at the 2009 Venice Biennale.